

2020 KIA Stinger GTS - Exterior and Interior Walkaround - Debut 2019 New York Auto Show

2020 KIA Stinger GTS — Exterior and Interior Walkaround — Debut 2019 New York Auto Show

Опубликовано: 18 апр. 2019 г.Welcome to SuperCarTube!
The Super fuel for car lovers.
Join us in our daily series of videos from the biggest Auto Shows in Europe, USA and Canada, Frankfurt, Geneva, Paris, New York, Detroit, Los Angeles.
Sneak into the best new cars. Еxplore the interior together with the exterior like you are already there.
We bring you right at the heart of the models, because we share the same passion.
So enjoy the video ride!
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Kia Stinger GT vs Mustang GT 10-Speed- Track Review // Lap-Times and Drag Race

Kia Stinger GT vs Mustang GT 10-Speed- Track Review // Lap-Times and Drag Race

Опубликовано: 1 июн. 2018 г.Subscribe and hit the notification bell!!! This is a closer matchup than you would think! We take the Stinger and 10-speed Mustang GT out onto the drag strip and the race-track to see which one comes out on top. Drifting, laughing, and a real rivalry ensues… on «One Track Mind» only on THROTTLE HOUSE.

See the data for Colin's Laps here! http://thethrottlehouse.com/mustang-a...


Learn to drive like Thomas and Colin:

Drive the track yourself:

Want swag? Buy it here:
(proceeds will go to fixing my broken BMW, so it can then just break again for your entertainment)



Check out the Mustang Owner's Instagram!

Music from Epidemicsound.com

2020 Range Rover Velar SVAutobiography Dynamic V8 0-100km/h & engine sound

2020 Range Rover Velar SVAutobiography Dynamic V8 0-100km/h & engine sound

Опубликовано: 14 мая 2020 г.2020 Range Rover Velar SVAutobiography Dynamic V8 0-100km/h & engine sound. Head over to https://performancedrive.com.au/2020-... for the full review.

2020 Range Rover Velar SVAutobiography Dynamic
5.0-litre supercharged V8
405kW (550PS) and 680Nm
Eight-speed auto, all-wheel drive

For more stats and test results simply head over to our performance data page: http://performancedrive.com.au/perfor...

If you're interested in buying a new car in Australia, we can help you. Our car buying team has saved buyers thousands of dollars. We do the haggling for you. Simply provide us with some details here so we can get started: http://performancedrive.com.au/new-ca...

The ONE DAY 2019 Kia Stinger GT2 Modding Challenge! (Performance, Suspension, Brakes, & Aesthetics)

The ONE DAY 2019 Kia Stinger GT2 Modding Challenge! (Performance, Suspension, Brakes, & Aesthetics)

Опубликовано: 10 дек. 2019 г.This car is amazing and its finally time to start the modding process! Do you think Rickie should go extreme? or keep it clean? What mods should he do next?

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►WARNING: This video is only for entertainment purposes. If you rely on the information portrayed in this video, you assume the responsibility for the results. Have fun, but always think ahead, and remember that every project you try is at YOUR OWN RISK.

*New* Crazy Road Moments #4 Cars Fails / Wins | Crashes | Street Drift and More!

*New* Crazy Road Moments #4 Cars Fails / Wins | Crashes | Street Drift and More!

Опубликовано: 21 мая 2020 г.Crazy road moments. Crashes, police chase, street drifting, biker crashes, police fails, and more!

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Опубликовано: 10 янв. 2018 г.KIA STINGER GT ACCELERATION & TOP SPEED 0-271km/h by AutoTopNL
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AutoTopNL Facebook Fanpage: http://on.fb.me/1jlG5pQ and follow us on Instagram: http://bit.ly/22Yp1yw for live updates on recordings and more!

UK: Auto-Top is an honest and pure car filming and testing company. We're not interested in eco & green (unless it's like, really superfast). Screaming exhausts, whining superchargers and blowing turbo's is what we want to hear! We review all sorts of performance cars. In the different playlists you can enjoy exhaust sounds, acceleration tests (0-100, 0-200) with launch control, onboard cams and the revving sound of each car. Exotic cars, hothatches, power sedans. We have it all!

DE: Wir nehmen alle möglichen leistungsstarken Autos unter die Lupe. In den verschiedenen Playlists könnt ihr ausreizende Sounds genießen, Beschleunigungstests (0-100, 0-200) mit Startkontrolle, onboard-Kameras und den hochtourigen Sound der Autos. Exotische Autos, sportliche Kompaktwagen und kraftvolle Limousinen. Wir haben sie alle!

FR: A travers les différentes playlists, vous pourrez apprécier des bruits d’échappements, des tests d’accélérations (0- 100, 0-200), des caméras embarquées ainsi que le son à l’accélération des voitures. Des voitures de rallyes aux berlines surpuissantes en passant par des bolides hors-norme...nous avons tout ce qu’il vous faut !

PL: Testujemy i oceniamy samochody — w naszych playlistach posłuchasz dźwięku silników, obejrzysz testy
przyspieszenia (0-100, 0-200) z launch control, kamerami wewnątrz kabiny i wibrującym dźwiękiem każdego
samochodu. Egzotyczne auta, hothatch, sportowe sedany — znajdziesz je wszystkie tutaj!

IT: Facciamo recensioni su ogni tipo di auto da performance. Nelle nostre diverse playlist troverai suoni di marmitte, test di accelerazione (0-100, 0-200) con controllo di lancio, camere onboard e il suono unico di ogni auto. Exotic cars, hothatches, power sedans… Ce le abbiamo tutte!

ES: Auto-Top es una empresa de pruebas y grabación de coches sincera. No estamos interesados en la ecología. Tubos de escape rugiendo y motores echando humo, es todo lo que nos interesa oir! Hacemos reviews de todo tipo de coches. En las listas de reproducción podéis encontrar desde sonidos del ultramundo hasta tests de aceleración (0-100, 0-200), cámaras a bordo de los coches, hasta el sonido de aceleración de cada coche. Coches exóticos, coches compactos, deportivos. Lo tenemos todo!

Check out our playlists:
Amazing Accelerations: http://bit.ly/1ftRzTp
Exhaust Sounds: http://bit.ly/1kbel8k
Drives & Reviews: http://bit.ly/1b1dBQD
Onboards: http://bit.ly/1dpRldB
PURE! Sound: http://bit.ly/1LQtWoy
Engine Sounds: http://bit.ly/1b1dx3e
Startups & Rev’s: http://bit.ly/1kRsV2P

2019 Kia Stinger GT V6 (366PS) NIGHT POV DRIVE Onboard (60FPS)

2019 Kia Stinger GT V6 (366PS) NIGHT POV DRIVE Onboard (60FPS)

Опубликовано: 7 июл. 2019 г.2019 Kia Stinger GT V6 (366PS) Night POV Drive on German Autobahn, Country Roads and City.
Enjoy the Ride.

My Equipment for POV Drives:
*Kamera: https://amzn.to/2UDbRbA
*Kopfband (Headstrap): https://amzn.to/2UIMtBy

Die mit * gekennzeichneten Links sind Affiliate Links, die zum Partnerprogramm von Amazon gehören. Solltet ihr etwas über diese Links kaufen, bekommen wir eine Vermittlungsprovision, natürlich ohne dass ihr dafür mehr bezahlen müsst.